Eventually, it’s going to backfire on the leader and unfortunately, some leaders confuse the warning with ‘jealousy’. Popularity becomes a roadblock when it means ignoring legitimate warnings from friends and team that the leader is resorting to deceitful and manipulative methods to ‘achieve’ certain aspects of their success. ‘I’m just being me’ becomes a roadblock if/when it is tied with dishonesty and a lack of integrity. I saw that ‘K’ tweet yesterday and Kryptonite was the FIRST word I thought of! What leadership words that begin with “K” can you add? This is the “K” installment of the Dictionary for Leaders Series. What qualities become roadblocks leadership success? You need enough ego to believe you matter but not so much that you ignore others. Keep saying to yourself, “I could be wrong.” Keep asking others, “What do you think?”.Listen to those who are committed to your success.Listen to those who share your values and commitment to your organization.The people around you are reluctant to tell you the brutal truth, even when you invite it.Treat others as more significant than yourself.When someone says, “You seem harsh,” for example, believe them.If you are a leader with confidence, you aren’t as great as you think.Self-confident leaders express confidence in others. The danger of over-estimating your strength is ignoring others. The benefit of over-estimating your strength is the courage to try big things. Anything beyond that and you reached divine status. You have one or two outstanding leadership qualities. They often don’t have the courage or honesty to face hard truths about themselves. Leaders who spout, “I don’t care what you think,” are asses. Minimizing the perception of others gives you permission to ignore them. But, when they’re “wrong” you marginalize their feedback and move on. The people around you know what they think of your leadership. The belief that self-evaluation trumps the evaluation of those directly impacted by your leadership weakens your effectiveness. What you think of your leadership isn’t as important as what others think. Kryptonite is mythical material from Krypton that drains Superman of his superpowers.